Friday, 1 July 2011

a r t i s t : / 2 - k u h . d e l . r o s a r i o .


Statement;  words by Kuh Del Rosario#
My body of work is largely informed by the nuances of our material world and the sensorial discourse that we engage in, throughout the unfolding of our everyday. This discourse, utilizes a tactile language that we have come to understand through our own individual relationship with our physical environment. Yet, when extracted from the contextual references (apart from the salvaged materials), this language becomes harder to recognize. 

Through the employment of rudimentary construction and intuitive processes, I strive to develop a sculptural representation of this idea. Within my sculptures/installations, I encourage this disorienting element of the strangely familiar but not readily identifiable, through the cultivation of imperfections and allowing mistakes and happenstance to occur. Utilizing salvaged materials, which already have it’s own history, add to the narrative that I create through the additive and reductive modes of construction. 

Wall mounted Foam Painted Cream and Yellow 2011
Foam paint
approximately 9 x 17 x 8 ''

Stacked Slabs on White 2011
Foam, Paint, Wood
approximately 11 x 10 x 9 ''


Painted wood on Felt and Foam
Wood, Paint, Foam, Felt
approximately 5 x 7 x 10 ''


Eight Pawed Black Top 2009
Foam, Cement, Paint, Found Objects
approximately 7.5 x 6 x 5.5 ''

Kuh Del Rosario is currently taking part in The Cheaper Show No.10, where 200 artists exhibit 400 works, all priced at $200 each. One of her entries which I really found interesting is Starfruit 2011. Never failing to stay true to the nature of the materials she used, Rosario managed to deliver the most complicated simple sculptures. The materials used give direct references to the principles of construction, creating objects which are honest, combining the textures and simple colours. In some cases. the titles given to the sculptures describe verbally their nature, and it is almost identical to the materials line one would find for her work. This enhances the qualities of the work, and encourages the viewer to identify the authenticity of the work, which is a way of extending the existance of the materials.

Starfruit 2011
foam, paint, wax, cardboard
approx. 12 x 18 x 20″

source of images and statement:

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